Making Custom Handmade Leather Belts since 1973    Craft Show / Festival Promoters,  CLICK HERE FOR RESUME!


"Not all those who wander... are lost"

MADE IN THE USA! Above is my Custom made Mobile Workshop where all your Custom Handcrafted Leather goods are made! MADE IN THE USA

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II Cor. 5:17   "If any man be in Christ, he is a New Creation, old things pass away, all things become new."  

Greg Wood,  570 Tar Landing Rd, Evergreen NC 28438  Cell Phone: 843-251-7512

1 Thes. 4:11 "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, ..."



The Art of Leatherwork is becoming a thing of the past...
except for here at New Creation is alive and well!

Customized, Personalized, Handcrafted Quality Leather Goods!

New Creation Leathercraft Resume 

8 Feet Wide plus 4 feet wide awning (12' total width) and 20 Feet long (includes tongue).
Usually a 10 Foot wide frontage will work,
I just need to be able to back it in or drive through to drop it off.

The outside products/stands can be condensed inward.  Some of the below pics, I had plenty of room to expand.


Pictures below are before the recent remodeling of my shop.



My New Workshop, built from Northern White Cedar, displaying over 1000 buckle along with
Belts, Wristbands, Wallets, Keyrings, Guitar Straps, Dog Collars, Knives and Handcrafted Sheaths/Cases and more!

Dear Craft Jury Committee / Festival Promoter,

I have been making Custom Leather Goods since 1973, over 40 years of experience. There is no question if the items are TRULY handmade or not, because I make them on-site so the customer can see it being made. I make Custom Handcrafted Belts, Wallets, Guitar Straps, Dog Collars, Wristbands, Keyrings, Buckles, Bags, Sheaths and More! Each one is crafted per the customer’s design or mine. 

I have a custom mobile workshop that I built to display my goods and also make the items while the customer waits (see above pics).  I carry a very nice selection of quality pocket and hunting knives. I can make custom sheaths for any or all of them.  In addition to the dozen or so custom leather items I make, I also carry two non-craft related items, Novelty Tin Signs and Salt and Pepper Shakers of various themes. The Tins/shakers fit with the overall theme of hunting/wildlife/nature. I would consider these as commercial and not craft items. The buckles and knives are related to my custom handcrafted belts/buckles and sheaths/knives and would not be considered commercial, but a essential part of their handcrafted counterparts.  

I setup at Festivals, Craft Shows, Rodeos, Fairs, Bluegrass/Music Festivals and more. I have setup at military bases across the country, Alaska, Montana, Washington, Kansas, Florida, South and North Carolina.

My custom built workshop is 8’ wide and 23’ long including the tongue. The back is actually the front where customers enter and exit.  10’ frontage space is fine as long as I can drive through or back it in. I do need electric, but only about 300 watts for lighting.   If electric is not available, I do have a battery system that can give me power.  My work table is located in the back where customers can watch their items being made. I also have “unusual critters” they enjoy looking at, such as an 8 point gator, a frog band and squirrels reading the paper and taking a siesta...just to have some fun and offer a smile or two!



Quality?...My Customers say it best...

My belts got here Saturday, and I have never seen any thing so beautiful. I found this web site months ago and debated about ordering. Now I wish I would have done it sooner. I have never been so happy with anything that I have ordered before. The price was also a big bonus. I received my belts so fast it was just unbelievable. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Thank you for doing such a good job!! I will definitely will order from you again. Was very surprised and excited about seeing the belt on the web site . Thank You so much.   Kevin R., MO.

Greg, I just wanted to let you know, I got those belts, and OH MY GOODNESS, they are AWESOME!!!!!!!! Words cannot describe the quality and the detail, they were made to MY order, unique and one of a kind. My husband will be thrilled!  I don't know if I can wait until Valentine's Day or not, I may just have to give them to him today. My guitar strap is out of this world, I absolutely LOVE it. You have done the BEST leather work I have ever seen, it is just spectacular. I WILL absolutely be back to shop with you again, and I will give your web address to everyone that sees and wants one of these belts. We will be a walking billboard for you, you can use this as a testimonial if you would like..... Thanks again and God bless....-Cissy D. KY 


Greg, I have to take a moment and let you know how big a success this season was due in large part to the belt you made for me! I had a lot of feedback from the parents on how their children knew that I was the "Real Santa" because of the belt I wore (the little ones always notice all of the details). During the Story Tellings and Question and Answer times it was always one of the topics of discussion! Your work is an essential part of make the Santa experience authentic! Santa Eric


Hi Greg,  I'm pleased to share with you a photo of me wearing my new belt. I'd like to say it exceeded my expectations, but to be honest, they were already extremely high based on the reviews others give you and your incredible talent. When I look at this picture, what I see is an amazing belt that really makes the entire suit and overall look. I'm sure I will get positive comments about it for many years to come. Thanks so much. The belt and bag were everything I could ask for. Warm regards and many thanks, Santa Keith Carson


Buckles, Buckles and More Buckles!



I sell a handpicked selection of “theme” buckles to compliment my handmade belts.  After many request for theme buckles, I decided to carry them along with custom leather buckles that I do make (top row of buckles). My customers love to complete their new belt with a matching theme buckle.  I have one of the best selection of buckles you will ever see, over 1000 buckles.  Selling these has not been a problem at other juried shows I attend. It is like a frame for a painting. The frame is not made by the artist but compliments and completes the artwork.  Juried show promoters who have seen my display/belts/buckles at shows have approved and accepted my goods on the spot with an invitation to their shows, even waiving jury fees.

I take pride in my work and also in how it is displayed. I have a very unique display that people love to experience, touching the different animal hides, coiled Rattlesnakes/Cobras, a full mounted coyote, Bobcat, Squirrels and Frogs Jamin, and a rare 8 point Gator!.  Its almost impossible to walk by my display and not stop and take a look.  It is something the crowd loves and will remember about the show for a long time. My work and display would be a memorable, unique addition and attraction to your craft show/festival.

Custom Handcrafted Designer Belts

Handcrafted Personalized Dog Collars and Leashes

Handmade Guitar Straps

Handmade Leather Wristbands with or without Conchos

Handcrafted Personalized Wristbands

Custom Handmade Leather Bags
Handmade Designer Wallets and Handbags




Tin Signs, License plates, Concealled Carry Purses, Caps, Knives.

Will sell belts even in
Ft. Bragg, NC

Standard Belt Prices!
1 1/2" $40 (most common size),   1 3/4" $42,    1 1/4" $38,   1" $32   (U.N.O.)
 Any Painting/Coloring $5 extra.  Brown tones/red tone background staining are standard and included in the standard pricing, no extra charge.
Kids Belts $3 off regular adult prices. (Size 26" and under)

XL Belts $55  (45" up to 70"+/-)
I have to use extra thick and extra long belts which cost much more per foot.

Shipping/Handling: $8 Priority Mail add $1 for each add'l belt.

Example:  A typical belt w/o painting is: $40 + $8 s/h = $48 total

Expedited Service
Expedited Service (ES)  applies to BELTS ONLY, not Santa orders.
Normally, if I am pretty much caught up and there are only a few orders pending, I can have your order out in several days.  But, if I have a list of orders to get out, and if you are pressed for time, Expedited Service is available. This puts you at the top of the list. Order will go out within 1-2 days.  Expedited Service is an additional $10.  Add $8 for each add'l belt.

Example: Typical belt $40 + $8 s/h + ES $10 = $58 total

Email your order to me at: 


Just give me a call anytime at:


Greg Wood
Leathersmith, Since 1973
My mailing address:

Greg Wood


Cell: 843-251-7512

Make  Money Orders
payable to:

Greg Wood

Paypal address to pay to:



If by chance, there is a problem with your order, please let me know.  If I have made a mistake on your order, I will gladly redo it and pay the shipping also. 

Please READ about SIZING your belt.  It is simple to understand if you read the instructions.  I provide you 3 different ways to size the belt, so please try to do as many as possible.  If you are not sure about how to size it, just call or email me.  If you have any questions about the forms, the more questions you ask, the less chance of a mistake and you not getting your order perfect.

After receiving your belt and it is too small or too big and I followed your listed size on the form, I cannot make you another one for free. 
If I sized it wrong, I will be glad to make another one and send it to you for free....that is my Guarantee!

Just a note to say, I am a Christian and this is a Christian business.  I will put most anything on a belt except things and words that go against my moral values.  For example,  I don't carry "pot" stamps and will not put curse words or upside down 5 pointed stars (pentagrams) on belts.  I hope you understand my convictions on this, we are here to glorify God in whatever we do.

1 Corinthians 10:31
"Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do,
do all to the glory of God."

...that includes what I put on my belts...



MONEY ORDER (make payable to Greg Wood) ) If you make it out to New Creation Leathercraft, I will have to send it back. I will not be able to cash it, so please make sure you make it out to: Greg Wood....thanks!   Also, please send an email and let me know when you have mailed the MO so I can look for it.


Mail to:

Greg Wood

570 Tar Lndg Rd

Evergreen, NC 28438


